Where feet may fail 1


On the 27th day of January, the LORD impressed it on my heart to delve into the book of Psalms- he was preparing me for something. I was already studying the Bible beginning from the Torah and believe me, I was already mining golds it. The thought of the book of Psalms, was already electrifying to say the least. The Bible says that the entrance (unfolding) of the Word is light and giveth understanding to the simple. I knew that I was someone who most people would describe as plain and easy to understand- not like I wanted to be complicated and mysterious. I was excited about the Word which I had been studying more this year to make me shrewdly prudent in my dealings. Before I go straight into the first treasure I dug out from the book of Psalms.
I would like to say that God does not want us to be simple. A simple man is someone who is open-minded towards people and things. The only thing we should be open-minded about is the Word and the only one we should be open-minded towards, is the Spirit of Christ and He is found in the hearts of believers; never doubt him.

So without further ado, Psalms 1 vs 1:

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful”. KJV.

I love to translate the Bible especially when the Strong’s Concordance is handy;

You will be happy if you don’t follow the advice and the prudence of the world, nor become grounded in the approach to life of the guilty (those who have not accepted the love of the Father), nor marry the ideas of the unbelieving, the faithless.

Before I go ahead to summarize this translation of mine, I’d like to say a few things:

The people of the world, have a form of wisdom. They are careful about certain things; if you want to be happy, do not be like them. Be neither careful nor careless, but be carefree;

Those who live in guilt of both the things they did and the ones that they didn’t do, have an approach to life unique to them, one of which is that they try so hard to impress God resulting in constant fear of both the known and unknown. You are already in the love of the Father, so do not stoop so low to be like them;

The unbelieving and the faithless have ideas and logics as sound as they may sound, would live you drained. They work and make based on their senses, the things that the eyes can see and the mind can comprehend, therefore they mock and ridicule you if you act and speak on the impulse of the Spirit. They would make fun of you and tease you, saying that your decisions are silly. Some of them may be in the church, they pray like you do and fast too but would shun you if you ever say that God told you a thing. They’d tell you to prove it. Do not be like that because the just shall live by faith.

Finally dear mutant, you would be happy if you walk in love, stand by faith and sit in the dogged authorities of the heavenly places.

the Ultimate Love Language 1!


Each Word a Gift!

‘In a fast paced world’…, Etisalat advert would say.

With my fast paced mouth I’d rather say, I could have a pretty hard time keeping up with my ‘Word Processing Center’!

Sometime last October, I learned more than a handful from one of my precious moments of solitude, I’d tell you about it.

I have this major favorite guy, it’s supposed to be a secret but please don’t get this twisted. Alright? Thanks!

One day before I hibernated in myself, aka solitude, I gave him this cool compliment over the phone, I am so not telling no one what I said to him. And you mustn’t get this twisted too. It could be an everyday compliment, okay? Needless to say, the compliment was a lil bit flirtatious, I must confess! That wasn’t the plan I swear, but the compliment leaked anyways!

Nevertheless, he didn’t let a drop of the compliment to sink into his heart; he is one of those rare species- trust me!

So, how did I know that he didn’t accept the compliment then?

Well, Favouromeje has a knack for picking up every kind of vibes, even the ones sent wordlessly and wirelessly through a phone- trust me!

This guy’s cold shoulder treatment towards my ‘innocent flirty’ compliment gave me some cuds to chew, and I learned a bundle of truth by the time I was done ruminating!

Ephesians 4: 29:

“Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth; say only what helps, each word a gift” (MSG)

“Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth, but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it” (AMP).

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (NIV)

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (ESV).

“You must not let such a word that depletes the spiritual state, and gives the mind more renewal assignment to do, to come out your mouth, but only that which is a needful and wholesome diet, nourishing to the soul; no junks added, and is able to improve, renew, better the mind, bring about Spirit ascendancy over human mind, and of course is able to impact God’s unmerited favor on any one who is fortunate to hear you speak to them” (Favouromeje).

So while my mouth is blabbing, I must be sure that it is blabbing at the right time, giving good spiritual nourishment, no mind corrupting junks, no soul barricading cholesterol, making people better, and having basically the Grace and Gospel of God as an underlying major theme.

I wonder how I can prepare such a Word Diet in this fast paced world, with my really fast paced mouth!

Well, I am doing that now (winks)!

BY Favouromeje, 2016.




Good morning Love,

One thing I know about Abba Daddy is that He is a huge love bank that refreshes His supply every single morning, so that both the good, the bad and the ugly can withdraw for free every single day. Another thing I know about Him, is that He lives right within me through His Spirit, so that I can now call Him my Father, because I am born of His own very self.

I also know that Daddy is a love bank because Love is the very core of His entire being, and I know too that if I am made of Daddy’s very dominant Gene (His Spirit), then I must be looking just like my Daddy, and if I am just like my Daddy, then I am love too. So if Daddy’s love is renewed every morning, so does mine. Therefore, whenever I say good morning to you, I need you to know that I am simply telling you that I am just making a morning fresh commitment to loving you like never before, irrespective of anything that may have transpired between us the day before. When I say, good morning, I am saying that I love you morning fresh. I am not talking about a feeling, I am talking about a self-slaying substance. I am talking of putting myself in the line for you, like being sensitive to you, and listening to you to understand what you are saying from your own eyes, even if you prefer to never treat me the same way. I just will never mind. I don’t care if you are misunderstanding me, I’ll simply choose to understand you. I talking of giving you the bigger egg especially if I wanted it for myself, whether you notice it or not, I really don’t mind!- I hope you were not thinking of me going to the cross for you, Jesus already died for us all, LOL!

So for me, good morning is simply me committing myself to loving you as though my life depended on it,- of course it does because loving you is all there is to my life, The Life, Jesus that I my mutant being is programmed to live. In fact, in loving you, I know that I am talking in my family terms, and everybody knows that I can kill for an opportunity to talk, besides ‘talking’ is my own special way of telling daddy just exactly how I feel about Him- if you know what I mean.

My talking’s


Tough love, Safe Haven!


Since I was little, I had this strong phobia for both heights and depths. Jesus knows that unlike the woman at the well, He is not likely to find me at the well, because I would make every excuse that would excuse me from drawing from the well at my street in the Coal City let alone drawing from the well of living- that is well encounters or ‘being at the right place at the right time’ was a criterion for receiving the promised eternal Life.

Jesus knows too that I would never sing to ask Him to take me, and plant my feet on any higher ground- that is ‘ higher ground’ were taken literally because I so cannot trade the comfort of the safe haven I have found on floors for any heights in this world!

Recently, I saw myself running carefree to meet up with a deadline along a Ulysses huge overhead bridge at Abuja, with all the speeding vehicles beneath. So I was taken aback. What had changed in me? I realized that my phobia, (the fears behind my fears) are all gone. I was not afraid of the heights but I was afraid of falling and crashing. I was not afraid of depths but I was simply afraid of falling and getting lost in the deep.

So what or who took away the fears behind my fears? I’d say that only Love did. I found Love and everything about me changed. The comfort and assurance in the love of my Father in Christ Jesus reassures me that I He will leave me by myself, therefore if I must crash or fall into any deep, then He will fall and crash with me, besides, I know that He loves me much more than I love myself. The love of Christ changes us, and it has renewed my mind, and transformed me.

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”- Ephesians 4: 17b-19( NIV).

Because perfect love casts out all fears- including the fears behind the fears.


(Skin deep)er with me!


He is with me

When shame covers me until I am choking

When it leaves me feeling like trash

When contempt cuts through my heart

Such that I am bleeding to death

He is with me


He is with me

When I suffer prejudice

When bias makes me question my own good intentions

When the words of my love vocabulary

Appears to fail me

When I am sorely misunderstood

That I even fail to understand myself

He is with me


He is with me

When ‘neglect’ is just not good enough to say how I feel

When I feel as though I am an ‘after-thought’

When I feel rejection and humiliation

Such that I have a perfect blend of a distasteful ‘emoconcotion’

When the sharp sourness of this emoconcotion cuts through my pride

Sharper than a diamond sword

Until pain makes me weak and speechless

That I fail to rise above the lethargy within

He remains just there with me


He is with me

When human words fails my heart expressions

When I know just a few words to tell exactly how I feel

He groans within me with Words deeper than words

Because He forever remains with and in me


He is with me

When pain dries the fountain of my tears

Such that my greatest need becomes to weep

So that my pains might be washed away

I know He is yet with me


He is with me

When I feel lonely and all alone

When I feel as though I have just ‘me’

When ‘me’ is not sure if she should remain with me

He will never fail me

Because He is right there with me


He is with me

Even when I am wrong

When I am unmerciful and finger-pointing

When I stray from the love lane

Such that I feel as though I have failed

His love will never fail

Because He loves to be right with me


He is with me

When the seeming cold hands of death come for me

When I know that my time has come

I warm up in child-like excitement

For I know that death has lost its sting on me

So I need not fret or fear

Because He will as always wrap me in His love consuming

Such that my heart quakes and my spirit blushes

In earnest expectation for my great hibernation

Which ushers me to the redeeming consummation

Away from this fallen home that I live in

To that incorruptible home, the kind that Man Jesus lives in

That body which has no limitations and barrier

I know my rejoicing would know no bound

For again He will be with me


He is with you

Even when guilt seems to be blinding your sight

When you are clueless and running away in blind shame

Such that you appear to have fallen into the strong arms of the enemy

Just quit your packing to the ‘no home’ place

You see, He never gives a quit notice

Because even if you still choose to leave

He just can never ever leave you


Jesus will ever be with you through the thick and the thin

He is that friend who sticks closer than a kin

Because He is indeed closer and deeper than your skin

And it definitely will not depend on what you feel or think

He will never leave you or abandon you


Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? …No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord– Romans 8: 35-39 (NIV)









Download everything free and easy!


The Word of God does not return to Him void. It must accomplish His purpose for the sending. This means that when God uploads any file online, the file can never return to Him without someone downloading it. All we should do is to ensure that we were part of those that downloaded it. We are therefore supposed to have the data required for our download. Faith is our data!

Par exemplar,

If I want a video, I just get some data to download my video. In the same way, if I want a guitar, I look in my Bible to stir up or muster faith (data) that will enable me receive that which has been given. Given because in His Word everything was uploaded ‘online’.

I have everything I need in Jesus’ name. My father has uploaded everything that pertains to life and godliness. All that I need to do is to just download.

Besides every one of my download is free. Receiving is free because I have free access to do all my downloads. This license is the Name of Jesus. It is a Family heritage- if you know what I mean. So family lets download! Call it a game if you like.




EVERYDAYJESUS is my supply


Sometimes when we are just too frugal and “economical”, we often think that we are being wise spenders or may be reserving something for the rainy day. The real truth here may be that we are not seeing Jesus every day.

Pour exemplum, if I have just one sachet of tomato paste and four cups of rice, and I know that in every way, two cups of rice is just enough for the day for me, and that one sachet of tomato paste is just sufficient to give me a decent pot of jollof rice for dinner, if I decide to divide that one sachet of tomato paste into two equal halves because I want to reserve a half for the remaining two cups for a “tomorrow”, such that my pot of rice of today becomes what my mother calls ‘win the war’ ( food for survival), then I have simply denied my trust in Jesus as my constant supply.

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He encouraged them to ask for their daily bread. He was simply trying to teach us to trust God, Abba Daddy for a one day at a time life.

In the Old Testament, God was called Jehovah Jireh because on the mountain He provided. This is to say that Jehovah Jireh knows how to provide just when we need it. Today, He has not changed His nature but He just changed the relationship with us that makes Him provide. Yesterday, the children of Israel found it difficult to learn that character of God, which their father Abraham learned. They always saved some Manna as a reserve for the next day against Jehovah Jireh’s instructions. They had trust issues and that was very repulsive to Him.

Today, He has become Abba Father, our Daddy. Jesus taught that if corrupt human daddies do well at giving, then our Father should do best. He supplies our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. In fact Jesus taught that food, clothes and the like should not be part of what we should ask for because Daddy knows that we need them, we should bother about seeking His kingdom and His righteousness because all the other survival necessities would follow. Today, Jesus is asking us to trust God our Father and His father for supply and abundance every day.

Nevertheless, Jesus does not encourage waste or gluttony (remember the gathering after feeding the 5000 to their full). He wants us to enjoy every day, if we have a natural reserve, we may keep them naturally for the next day, or we could share if necessary, but we must not pass ourselves through a miserly miserable life in the name of being wise- even if that is wisdom, then it must be the wisdom of the world.

Every day Jesus is my supply just when we need it!



“…But the very hairs of your head are all numbered”- Matthew 10:30(KJV)

When I was born, I had over 15000 hair follicles and I don’t have exactly the same number with everyone else, He took my initial hair count or let’s say he knew the number already. Right?

As I grow older, every day somehow, some hair follicles begin to die and some of my hairs would definitely fall out no matter how good I am with my regimen. I don’t have the same hair count everyday most times yet he keeps a count or let’s say that takes another count.

Sometimes I am careless with my hair or maybe I am either too broke or busy to change my weave therefore my hairs fall- and He takes another count.

I might even decide to do a big chop especially now that I want to go ‘black and natural’ so he will definitely do a before and after big chop hair count.

Other times my beauty mode would be activated and I would take care of pretty old hair and I do know that Jesus would recount. In fact He would be the only one who would know how much exactly old hair improved.

My point is that my hair number is not constant and would change naturally or at my own will.

He is not just busy counting my hairs but yours too! So c’mon He is either a hair freak or a ‘me’ freak!

Both ways I am glad that counting my hairs is on His daily to-do list. Whether He does it while I am running about my busyness or while I sleep it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that Jesus is more hair freak than and I love Him for that.




I think I am a really busy person-busy with necessary business: I am a final year student in her last semester so that spells STUDY and PROJECT! I am also a start-up entrepreneur, you may not find it necessary but for me, purpose and life needs funding- if you understand what I mean. I am committed to a local church because that is part of my responsibilities. I am also human therefore I need to eat, sleep, launder for ‘me’ and also ensure that I don’t become an “I”. I am also a girl who loves looking good so I need some time for that every day. And oh, I have lectures to attend, and guess what, the lecturers swept the official time table under the carpet. Also I have found myself, so I have to always speak up- I WRITE! And ultimately, I am a Christian therefore my spirit needs word grooming every day! That is what I survive on.

I have just 24 hours just like everyone else, therefore I have to plan every day, the day before and of course updating my to-do list every night. I make plans everyday but sometimes, some things wouldn’t just go as planned.

The pressures of my great everyday busyness formed my every day cares.

My project is really slow now because my research samples are a bit funny- human breast milk! Getting them is really not a joke. I am not even done with chapter one- that is if have a chapter one now. I have to complete and defend my project come mid-July- this is June already. I also have to contribute my daily quota to the Kingdom by writing and living.

Oh how I plan and work at my daily schedule diligently but how things choose to move pretty slowly, my project for one. In fact today, I had to re-adjust a letter I wrote to a hospital just after being delayed for three days by my department to get it endorsed! I mean I don’t have all that time.

Well, somehow I discovered that I was unruffled and unstressed by my many stress. I was and am still rested. I have learned to rest on the truth that that He is IMMANUEL to me, the God that is ever with me. I also stay on the truth that I have JESUS, the saving God. He didn’t just save my soul, He saves my day every day. In fact His job description is saving me! He is still saving situations for me daily.

I am comforted by the truth that I am His care. He loves me more than I love myself therefore He understands the urgency of my needs and cares so much more than I think I do. I love the truth that He will never, ever leave me or abandon me in any mess. I don’t like to mess up but even if go messy, He shows me mercy. Cleaning up my mess is not my business but His. I am His business. Yahweh has infinite methods of doing the same thing.

God never depends on our action or inaction to work things out, He depends on my trust for DADDY! He is Abba father, and daddy never lacks a plan so I think I am safe!

Cast all your anxieties upon the lord for He cares for you- 1 Peter 5: 7(NIV)

…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”- Matthew 28:20b (NIV)





“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. –Matthew 13: 44-46 (NIV).

Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted by much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. “But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her.” –Luke 10: 38-42(NKJV).

You cannot find a treasure by accident. You just have to be looking for it in order to find it. You just need to either mine or look.

Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus found Him and not only listened to Him but also anointed Him with fragrant oil.

Jesus is my precious pearl, He is my treasure. He is my everything. I found Him when my heart was empty. All that I knew how to do was; sin and cry ‘void’. Mary Magdalene found Him and the richness of His person and broke her alabaster box of fragrant oil. She was just ever following Him, listening to Him and helping Him with her substance. The day that He was crucified she also followed Him and must have been crying ‘my LORD’, when He was crucified and buried she followed to see where they laid Him so that she would attend His body. When He rose she was the first to find out, when she didn’t find Him she cried “where have they kept my LORD?”

I never knew the beauty in Mary and my Jesus’ relationship until my Jesus started one with me. My Jesus has saved me from the power of sin and the devil. I am free to love and live. I am glad that I am alive! He is Mary’s precious one and He is mine too- my only Pearl.

“Ask and it will be given too you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. –Matthew: 7-8(NKJV).

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. –Matthew 13: 44-46 (NIV).

Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted by much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. “But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her.” –Luke 10: 38-42(NKJV).

You cannot find a treasure by accident. You just have to be looking for it in order to find it. You just need to either mine or look.

Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus found Him and not only listened to Him but also anointed Him with fragrant oil.

Jesus is my precious pearl, He is my treasure. He is my everything. I found Him when my heart was empty. All that I knew how to do was; sin and cry ‘void’. Mary Magdalene found Him and the richness of His person and broke her alabaster box of fragrant oil. She was just ever following Him, listening to Him and helping Him with her substance. The day that He was crucified she also followed Him and must have been crying ‘my LORD’, when He was crucified and buried she followed to see where they laid Him so that she would attend His body. When He rose she was the first to find out, when she didn’t find Him she cried “where have they kept my LORD?”

I never knew the beauty in Mary and my Jesus’ relationship until my Jesus started one with me. My Jesus has saved me from the power of sin and the devil. I am free to love and live. I am glad that I am alive! He is Mary’s precious one and He is mine too- my only Pearl.

“Ask and it will be given too you; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. –Matthew: 7-8(NKJV).