Where feet may fail 1


On the 27th day of January, the LORD impressed it on my heart to delve into the book of Psalms- he was preparing me for something. I was already studying the Bible beginning from the Torah and believe me, I was already mining golds it. The thought of the book of Psalms, was already electrifying to say the least. The Bible says that the entrance (unfolding) of the Word is light and giveth understanding to the simple. I knew that I was someone who most people would describe as plain and easy to understand- not like I wanted to be complicated and mysterious. I was excited about the Word which I had been studying more this year to make me shrewdly prudent in my dealings. Before I go straight into the first treasure I dug out from the book of Psalms.
I would like to say that God does not want us to be simple. A simple man is someone who is open-minded towards people and things. The only thing we should be open-minded about is the Word and the only one we should be open-minded towards, is the Spirit of Christ and He is found in the hearts of believers; never doubt him.

So without further ado, Psalms 1 vs 1:

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful”. KJV.

I love to translate the Bible especially when the Strong’s Concordance is handy;

You will be happy if you don’t follow the advice and the prudence of the world, nor become grounded in the approach to life of the guilty (those who have not accepted the love of the Father), nor marry the ideas of the unbelieving, the faithless.

Before I go ahead to summarize this translation of mine, I’d like to say a few things:

The people of the world, have a form of wisdom. They are careful about certain things; if you want to be happy, do not be like them. Be neither careful nor careless, but be carefree;

Those who live in guilt of both the things they did and the ones that they didn’t do, have an approach to life unique to them, one of which is that they try so hard to impress God resulting in constant fear of both the known and unknown. You are already in the love of the Father, so do not stoop so low to be like them;

The unbelieving and the faithless have ideas and logics as sound as they may sound, would live you drained. They work and make based on their senses, the things that the eyes can see and the mind can comprehend, therefore they mock and ridicule you if you act and speak on the impulse of the Spirit. They would make fun of you and tease you, saying that your decisions are silly. Some of them may be in the church, they pray like you do and fast too but would shun you if you ever say that God told you a thing. They’d tell you to prove it. Do not be like that because the just shall live by faith.

Finally dear mutant, you would be happy if you walk in love, stand by faith and sit in the dogged authorities of the heavenly places.

on 29th January, 2017!


You know today, I have decided to be thankful. I have decided to draw up joy from the Spirit because, if you ask me, I’d say that I am not happy.

So, even though I may not be happy, my fountain of joy never runs dry. Therefore, I am content even in my unhappiness. If I know nothing, I know very well that His faithfulness makes my faith full, or better still, His faithfulness, teaches me to be full of faith!

Listen, I know that it’s not very fancy for a girl to say her age on her birthday, but c’mon I know that I am not that much of a fancy person myself. So, I am 23 today, and I can tell you that I am full today too!

You know, these years had come with a number of lessons or two, for which I am both full and content:

  • I have learned to not accept that half bread is better than none, just as I have learned to prefer the utopian city in my head to the ‘real’ world.
  • I have learned that the true ‘me’ loves to break all the rules in the real world, and stick with all the ones I make in my ideal world. And if you ask me why, I’d tell you that it’s simply for the same reason why I prefer the ideal gas law to the real gas laws, and also for the same reason why I don’t like to pamper hair weaves and extensions as though they were my hair. So translation, ‘real world’ rules are very uninteresting, and do not feel right!
  • I have learned to love and be loved!
  • I have learned to feel free to stick with my opinions, and also not shove it down anyone’s throat, until I find a more logical and better one to replace them with or modify them with. And if not, I just hang on to them faithfully and gracefully.
  • I have learned to enjoy the love and friendship of people who have even weirder and stronger opinions than myself, because I know that deep down, I prefer them to people who blend in way too much. You know, I love the fact that they are both fun and annoying to be with, just like myself!
  • I have learned that there is only one definition for ‘Love’ in the universe. Love is God, and God is Love period! And greater love has no man than this that a man lays down his life for his friend, and love is a decision. Therefore, I can love some persons without them giving me butterflies in my stomach, and another person could effortlessly make my heart to skip a beat yet I may not even be willing to love him even with all the chemistry and all. Love is a self-slaying substance and not a feeling, and there is nothing any devil can do to my mind to change my ‘Love’ perspectives.
  • I have learned that it is Love to accept a compliment wholeheartedly, especially when I know that it’s not some flattery!
  • I have learned that ‘Love’ is a language, therefore I have decided to overlook my friends when they are being selfish especially to my own detriment, just the very same way that I cannot throw away a baby who only knows how to coo. Translation, they are like that because they can’t yet help it!
  • I have learned to always be the first to love that my favorite slight and fair girl who I see in the mirror every day. Translation I must always accept her, not beat her for her mistakes, and also be her No 1 fan.
  • I have learned that God is called omnipotent because He has infinite ways of saving ‘oh damsel me in distress’!
  • I have learned that even though my environment could warp my mind, Father knows how to make my warped mind even more beautiful to behold and access with time.
  • I have learned that regret is the only thinking that people who act and speak before thinking, get to ever think.
  • I have learned that marriage is beautiful but it’s not compulsory, and in case one is 95 when she decides to walk into it, then it is completely fine because if you ask me, there is nothing like a late marriage- I don’t really know about you.
  • I have learned how to summon Coco Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Bulgaria, Deola Sagoe, Sophie Kinsella, Francine Rivers, Shakespeare, at very different times for some healthy arm wrestles. And I have learned how to mock wrestle with them differently until I begin to teach them one after the other who the real Mohammed Ali, and Rubin Hurricane Carter of the game actually is in real life!
  • I have learned that even though love is giving, when it comes to a man and a woman, receiving is equally loving. You might like to confirm with any of my feminist sisters or even any frigid woman who might be willing to tell you.
  • I have learned how to smile when I am embarrassed, cry later when I am alone, and laugh much later because I learned a lesson.
  • I have learned to enjoy both the ‘me’ times and the ‘us’ times very much!
  • I have learned that Yahweh loves me much more than I love myself, and I always remind my mind that whenever I feel ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, all alone, afraid, you name it!
  • I have learned that even though blood is thicker than water, the Spirit is chunkier than blood!
  • I have learned not to beat myself because, my mistakes are really not mine!
  • I have learned not to be afraid of being too vulnerable, because I know that I always feel a deep sense of courage and boldness in my vulnerability!
  • I have learned to cry until I can’t cry anymore, then I get to sleep, and finally get to write in my journal when I wake up because I always end up better and not bitter.
  • I have learned that in listening, I get to enjoy the finer things of life!
  • I have learned that this is not a man’s world and the girls do not run it too. And if there is any boss at all, then I think that Lucifer, the only god of the world is. Nevertheless, I have learned how to plant my feet on his head until I crush him with my favorite ankle boot because I am the Beloved of the only God of the heavens and the earth!
  • I have learned that Hitler, Shekau, and Bin Laden, have people who would love to catch a grenade for them over and over again, just in case you think you don’t like them. And in the same way, if you think you love God because you feel that He is good, then you might want to ask Lucifer what he thinks. I just hope you get my drift!
  • I have learned that it takes the detached defiant clarion call of feminism to make the love starved chauvinism to see the stark difference between the ‘love-giving by receiving’ femininity and the insecure love-seeking traditionalism.

I am 23 today, and I am glad that I have the Spirit of my Father forever inside of me!


Good morning Love,

One thing I know about Abba Daddy is that He is a huge love bank that refreshes His supply every single morning, so that both the good, the bad and the ugly can withdraw for free every single day. Another thing I know about Him, is that He lives right within me through His Spirit, so that I can now call Him my Father, because I am born of His own very self.

I also know that Daddy is a love bank because Love is the very core of His entire being, and I know too that if I am made of Daddy’s very dominant Gene (His Spirit), then I must be looking just like my Daddy, and if I am just like my Daddy, then I am love too. So if Daddy’s love is renewed every morning, so does mine. Therefore, whenever I say good morning to you, I need you to know that I am simply telling you that I am just making a morning fresh commitment to loving you like never before, irrespective of anything that may have transpired between us the day before. When I say, good morning, I am saying that I love you morning fresh. I am not talking about a feeling, I am talking about a self-slaying substance. I am talking of putting myself in the line for you, like being sensitive to you, and listening to you to understand what you are saying from your own eyes, even if you prefer to never treat me the same way. I just will never mind. I don’t care if you are misunderstanding me, I’ll simply choose to understand you. I talking of giving you the bigger egg especially if I wanted it for myself, whether you notice it or not, I really don’t mind!- I hope you were not thinking of me going to the cross for you, Jesus already died for us all, LOL!

So for me, good morning is simply me committing myself to loving you as though my life depended on it,- of course it does because loving you is all there is to my life, The Life, Jesus that I my mutant being is programmed to live. In fact, in loving you, I know that I am talking in my family terms, and everybody knows that I can kill for an opportunity to talk, besides ‘talking’ is my own special way of telling daddy just exactly how I feel about Him- if you know what I mean.

My talking’s




But as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become sons of God, even to them that believes in his name.

JOHN 1:12


I have complete confidence in the gospel, it is God’s power to save al who believes, first the Jews and also the gentiles. For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself, it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says “The person who is put right with God through faith shall live”

ROMANS 1:16 -17


He said believe and receive,

I’ve had my own share of disappointment in the Christendom,

So much to the extent it becomes a relief,

Because when I think I’m in the right path,

I have to carry this fear of falling back,

I would put on the so called “Christian attire”,

And make this promise to never retire,

I would put on a smiley face and put on a colorful gown of lace,

But I did not understand his grace.


For me it was a give and take,

He gave his life and I gave my freedom,

I would hate why I heard about him,

Ignorance seemed to be the best, even a gleam

Fellowship of the brethren seemed like a prison,

With strong, tall, transparent walls from which I could see the world of activities I was missing,

My heart longed for the wrong that seemed appealing,

But my head says,

I need to endure this preaching that is repelling.


Why did he make this harder I’d ask?

Blackmailing me with the horrors of hell,

Waking up each day it would ring a bell,

That it’s here… another day to pretend.


I did a good job, everyone around was impressed,

Of course I would be used as example, most of which I heard,

I was too busy, had a thing or two to do,

I would sweep and clean, but he is too wise to fool,

I even wished I came months before the rapture,

When I could understand nothing,

Perhaps I came too soon.


I heard his word from the pastor but it didn’t make any sense,

He would scream and shout and the whole room would feel tensed,


Did I fail to say, I hated Sundays,

It was like a funeral service for Christ,

Always had to hear how he died,

They should have probably written an obituary,

Instead of making it a punishment, like a detention,

But I couldn’t show it,

Mom had to be proud,

From people dad needed applaud,

Neighbors needed examples for their wards,

And of course charity needed funds.


Worst of all I couldn’t go to hell,

In fact, that was it,

The reason behind it all,

I even had nightmares about it,

The more I worked the more aware I was of hell,

It was torture,

I had enough,

Then one day I said


I said to myself, it’s not my fault he died,

I didn’t even ask him to give his life,

If he has so much power and is invincible why did he make such a bad man as the devil?



A day came when I stumbled upon a part of the bible,

It struck me spiritually I felt idle, I had become the devils workshop I realized,

Hell wasn’t made for me, why should I be driven by the fear of it?


His sacrifice isn’t a transaction,

It is an expression of his affection,

Which gives me a conviction that his attention requires no exchange with my works or action,

What he gave wasn’t burden,

It was medicine,

What he gave wasn’t weakness,

It was strength to overcome all sickness,

Even when I saw my faults,

He saw them not,

I didn’t need the works all I needed to do was believe,

Unlike the banks, what he gave came with no interest.

He said come ye with your burden and I will give thee rest.


And instead of a prison every Sunday should be an occasion,

Wait! What am I saying?

Every day of my life should be an occasion,

Because with me Jesus never takes a vacation,

I felt bad that I wandered too far away from his love that I treated him as an outsider than as a father,

But come on, we have all of eternity to make up for it.


His love is so overwhelming, so good to be true,

His sacrifice makes it possible that for eternity we all shall live,

Now it’s all changed,

Geez, I see the world differently,


Believing in him has given me all the strength I needed,

And his blood has washed all the guilt of the past life I led,

I am that lost sheep that he left the 99 others to find,

I am that person he was thinking about when he held on to that rugged cross,

I am that person whose healing was finalized with the stripes on his flesh,

I am that person to whom he gave the right to be his own,

And on that cross he gave me the right to be his bride,

In trouble he stood in my place to protect me, I could not comprehend his pride,

And for eternity I will continually stay at his side.