Even the eagle weeps!


Watch me cry, I’m not ashamed

I am a vanquished victim

Like the eagle I am clad in edgy pieces, 

sackcloth, my sad cloth

For I live on edge, by the very edges of the Mount cliffs
Watch me tear, for in my tears lie my strength.

I tear boundaries 

I break records

I don’t fly

I glide

I soar
My tears flow with ease 

And even my glides with peace.

on 29th January, 2017!


You know today, I have decided to be thankful. I have decided to draw up joy from the Spirit because, if you ask me, I’d say that I am not happy.

So, even though I may not be happy, my fountain of joy never runs dry. Therefore, I am content even in my unhappiness. If I know nothing, I know very well that His faithfulness makes my faith full, or better still, His faithfulness, teaches me to be full of faith!

Listen, I know that it’s not very fancy for a girl to say her age on her birthday, but c’mon I know that I am not that much of a fancy person myself. So, I am 23 today, and I can tell you that I am full today too!

You know, these years had come with a number of lessons or two, for which I am both full and content:

  • I have learned to not accept that half bread is better than none, just as I have learned to prefer the utopian city in my head to the ‘real’ world.
  • I have learned that the true ‘me’ loves to break all the rules in the real world, and stick with all the ones I make in my ideal world. And if you ask me why, I’d tell you that it’s simply for the same reason why I prefer the ideal gas law to the real gas laws, and also for the same reason why I don’t like to pamper hair weaves and extensions as though they were my hair. So translation, ‘real world’ rules are very uninteresting, and do not feel right!
  • I have learned to love and be loved!
  • I have learned to feel free to stick with my opinions, and also not shove it down anyone’s throat, until I find a more logical and better one to replace them with or modify them with. And if not, I just hang on to them faithfully and gracefully.
  • I have learned to enjoy the love and friendship of people who have even weirder and stronger opinions than myself, because I know that deep down, I prefer them to people who blend in way too much. You know, I love the fact that they are both fun and annoying to be with, just like myself!
  • I have learned that there is only one definition for ‘Love’ in the universe. Love is God, and God is Love period! And greater love has no man than this that a man lays down his life for his friend, and love is a decision. Therefore, I can love some persons without them giving me butterflies in my stomach, and another person could effortlessly make my heart to skip a beat yet I may not even be willing to love him even with all the chemistry and all. Love is a self-slaying substance and not a feeling, and there is nothing any devil can do to my mind to change my ‘Love’ perspectives.
  • I have learned that it is Love to accept a compliment wholeheartedly, especially when I know that it’s not some flattery!
  • I have learned that ‘Love’ is a language, therefore I have decided to overlook my friends when they are being selfish especially to my own detriment, just the very same way that I cannot throw away a baby who only knows how to coo. Translation, they are like that because they can’t yet help it!
  • I have learned to always be the first to love that my favorite slight and fair girl who I see in the mirror every day. Translation I must always accept her, not beat her for her mistakes, and also be her No 1 fan.
  • I have learned that God is called omnipotent because He has infinite ways of saving ‘oh damsel me in distress’!
  • I have learned that even though my environment could warp my mind, Father knows how to make my warped mind even more beautiful to behold and access with time.
  • I have learned that regret is the only thinking that people who act and speak before thinking, get to ever think.
  • I have learned that marriage is beautiful but it’s not compulsory, and in case one is 95 when she decides to walk into it, then it is completely fine because if you ask me, there is nothing like a late marriage- I don’t really know about you.
  • I have learned how to summon Coco Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Bulgaria, Deola Sagoe, Sophie Kinsella, Francine Rivers, Shakespeare, at very different times for some healthy arm wrestles. And I have learned how to mock wrestle with them differently until I begin to teach them one after the other who the real Mohammed Ali, and Rubin Hurricane Carter of the game actually is in real life!
  • I have learned that even though love is giving, when it comes to a man and a woman, receiving is equally loving. You might like to confirm with any of my feminist sisters or even any frigid woman who might be willing to tell you.
  • I have learned how to smile when I am embarrassed, cry later when I am alone, and laugh much later because I learned a lesson.
  • I have learned to enjoy both the ‘me’ times and the ‘us’ times very much!
  • I have learned that Yahweh loves me much more than I love myself, and I always remind my mind that whenever I feel ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, all alone, afraid, you name it!
  • I have learned that even though blood is thicker than water, the Spirit is chunkier than blood!
  • I have learned not to beat myself because, my mistakes are really not mine!
  • I have learned not to be afraid of being too vulnerable, because I know that I always feel a deep sense of courage and boldness in my vulnerability!
  • I have learned to cry until I can’t cry anymore, then I get to sleep, and finally get to write in my journal when I wake up because I always end up better and not bitter.
  • I have learned that in listening, I get to enjoy the finer things of life!
  • I have learned that this is not a man’s world and the girls do not run it too. And if there is any boss at all, then I think that Lucifer, the only god of the world is. Nevertheless, I have learned how to plant my feet on his head until I crush him with my favorite ankle boot because I am the Beloved of the only God of the heavens and the earth!
  • I have learned that Hitler, Shekau, and Bin Laden, have people who would love to catch a grenade for them over and over again, just in case you think you don’t like them. And in the same way, if you think you love God because you feel that He is good, then you might want to ask Lucifer what he thinks. I just hope you get my drift!
  • I have learned that it takes the detached defiant clarion call of feminism to make the love starved chauvinism to see the stark difference between the ‘love-giving by receiving’ femininity and the insecure love-seeking traditionalism.

I am 23 today, and I am glad that I have the Spirit of my Father forever inside of me!